$700.00 USD

4 Pack Distance Session

Knowing that you have a set number of sessions already paid for allows you to focus solely on your health and well-being without any additional financial stress.

What you'll get:

  • Initial 45 minute treatment planning and intake call
  • 4 zoom or in person sessions 
  • Access to Live online weekly Dao Yin yoga & Qi Gong 
  • Access to Wellness course suite of lifestyle medicine 

What People Are Saying:

During an extremely stressful time last year, I asked Elza to help with my mother’s very serious health situation. She was having emergency surgery and the doctors were not sure she would survive, or if she did, be able to recover . During the surgery, Elza was able to do a distance session which resulted in my mother’s recovery, against all odds. I believe she is an extremely skilled distance session practitioner and I do not hesitate to call upon her when my family needs treatment.

Dr. Janet Galipo